Deezer Shoove » 6 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
The snowflakes don't like it when you rub his ENTIRE CAREER in their faces.
I'm content with pointing out that at the apex of his career and after being fully groomed,
his was an incoherent miserable drooler who just wanted to go home every day of his presidency.
But I do appreciate the reminder. :wave:
Free will choices every individual brain does cradle to grave living in series parallel time occupying space since arrived a fertilized cell.
Work thermodynamics from there. Life is genetically eternally separated now. and always has been. Before and after this species was alive doing what is being done today.
Pendulums swinging left and right are still evolving forward as population never stays the same results 24/7. So details never duplicated evolves as results never same total sum twice regardless universal positions here now.
You really need to change your mind. I did and when you do, everything corrupted is self evident denial now is eternity.